so... this is a pretty rough prototype for a game. The idea is to teach through the mechanics about recognizing emotions, their effects on the body and mind of people, and maybe get us closer. I don't know.

here, you play as Motus, a young magician who comes to help your village after an evil wizard has put a curse on them, making everyone forget how to name their feelings.

contorls: move with directional keys or wasd, interact with Z or J, and Start is enter

it was a great excuse to mess with GBStudio and try overlays and submaps. It was pretty fun. Credits to GBStudio and the creators of Advance Menu, Bryan, and shigure_kagetoki for the submap plugin.

Published 5 days ago
GenreRole Playing
Tags2D, Game Boy


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I enjoy the concept a lot. I also like the style a lot!

What to do once you get to the crow? 

go to the corridor behind you, up, there you will find the doors with the monsters


Looking good!

If you want, check out my game here -